Week one of being a mom.

Yesterday marked Millies one week out of me. She had her first doctors appointment 3 days ago to check her weight and make sure she was gaining. She lost 7 ounces in the hospital which was 8% of her body weight. At her appointment she already gained back 4 ounces. So she is doing great!! The doctor said I must have whole milk for breast milk. Which was a huge relief cause I was scared she wasn’t getting enough from me and I’ve been stressing about breastfeeding. I was told to cut back her feeding because we were feeding everytime she wanted it and letting her feed till she released. Now she does not get to eat more then every 2 hours and not for longer then 15 mins each side. It works great during the day she sleeps and sleeps and I usually have to wake her up to eat… at night is a totally different story. She wakes up every hour demanding food. We are slowly working on flipping those so mommy can get some sleep, specially now cause daddy went back to work today. But all and all its been so wonderful. I love watching her and snuggling her and kissing her fat little cheeks. It’s just such a wonderful feeling finally holding her. But with out further ado… baby pics!! Cause you know that’s all I do all day now!!



This is a little over due… specially since my last post left delivery in limbo in the blog world. But time has been a precious commodity I do not have enough of the last couple of days! 

To start where I left off. 

The med they gave me did not help me sleep that much.. specially as contractions started. They were not actually painful but just like a period cramp that wouldn’t really left me sleep “good”. Not that you could on that bed anyways… 

So in the morning around 5 they took out the thing thinning my cervix which really hurt and made me bleed and they started pitocin to start labor and dilate me. I didn’t dilate much.. so noon is they broke my water to speed things up… it worked! Things started getting pretty painful after that. The contractions started to get stronger and come faster. A couple hours later I finally asked for an epidural and I fell asleep for a while. They put a censor in the uterus to watch contractions better and they put some fluids back in to help baby bounce around as they called it. Shortly after 4 pm the doctor came in and said your contractions look like they are strong and regular let’s check and see how dialed you are… we were 10 cm. She asked if I would you like to do a couple test pushed and she would call the delivery team. So we started pushing. At 4:28 pm on July 14 exactly 2 weeks early, after 15 minutes of pushing and just as the team walked in the room my little Millie popped out into the world. 6 pounds 2 ounce 19 1/4 inches. 

She was just big enough to stay with us and not go to the nicu.  After a couple hours we went to postpartum and my husbands family got to meet her. We worked on breastfeeding most of the time and had nurses in and out of the room a million times a day and we tried to rest.

We came home yesterday. 3 days after delivery and 4 days after the unexpected trip to the hospital! It’s crazy and stressful and I need sleep but I’m so happy to have this little angel! She’s so incredibly good and just happy to sleep and cuddle you. Oh and feed all the time.. we are still working on breastfeeding. It’s really hard. I worry she’s not getting enough food and she wants to eat all crazy times.. 10 mins here, 30 there then for an hour in the middle of the night. I’ve cried a lot.. last night I cried cause I was so happy she peed. Lol its the little things. 

I’m super excited my mom is flying in on Saturday I can’t wait for her to meet her first grandchild. So we are just taking everything min by min and telling ourselves we got this! 


37 weeks. 3 to go?

I had an appointment with my ob yesterday. She was very positive and said everything looks good. We just need to keep watching my blood pressure incase it gets too high. Which it has been getting up there… she said next week she will start checking my cervix to see if I’m dilated. 

Today we had an appointment with our high risk doctor for an ultrasound. She was very concerned with Millie’s size. She went from the 28th percentile 2 and a half weeks ago to the 15th today. So her growth is slowing down. She wants to see me back in one week and they will decide if they are going to induce me. They think she will grow better on the outside. 

Right now she is measuring just under 6 pounds. So she will be little but she should do well. Of course I’m still struggling with it. I feel like I’m failing her. I broke down and had a pitty party after the doctor. The doctor really can’t come up with a reason why she isn’t growing she still thinks it’s connected to my blood pressure so she checked it cause I guess she thinks I’m lying to her when she asks how it is. It was fine when she checked so everyone is just at a loss…. 

On one hand I just keep trying to tell myself at least we made it this far and the other part of me is just so scared and worried and sad that something may be wrong or will go wrong and she won’t be okay or will have to struggle.  

Next week could be interesting or it could be more waiting.. we shall see. 


Falling behind again..

I’m so sick of having bad appointments. 

Yesterday we had an ultrasound with our high risk doctor. Our little girl is falling behind again they have her in the 30th percentile again.

The amniotic fluid is low so they said I needed to drink more water.

She did say the cord flow is better then last time so I guess lightening my load at work and at home has been helping.

Millie is 4 pounds 14 ounces now and she said if I am able to go full term she should be about 7 pounds. But she still really thinks my blood pressure is just a time bomb. Even though my regular ob, the one that is going to deliver my child, thinks if we made it this far we are going to be fine although it is still a possibility just not as big of one as before. 

All and all my husband was very unhappy with the appointment and let me know when we got home saying I don’t care about my daughter cause I keep doing things I’m not supposed to and I’m not taking care of her or myself. So now he is a water nazi and wants me to cut my hours back at work even more. He did clean the house this morning so I would be able to relax but I felt really bad yesterday by him yelling at me. I care more about this baby then I have anything ever in my life and I am trying everything to be healthy for her but life can’t be put on hold and we are not made of money so I still need to work and the house still needs to be taken care of I’m just trying to find a balance. 

Well next appointment is a week from tomorrow with our regular doctor and we will see what she says. She is far more positive then the high risk. After this appointment I will be 36 weeks and from there on out we will be seeing her every week till Millie comes. 

We also had our baby shower that for some reason I forgot to post about.. it was very fun we had lots of fun games and great food and got lots and lots of cute baby stuff. We still have a lot of must haves on our registry but my husband’s friends from work are having a baby shower for him on the 11th so he won’t let me buy anything till after that.  

And here’s my 8 month 2 weeks and 3 days baby bump. Lol yeah I couldn’t pick a round about time. I like making things difficult. 


34 week check up

Well technically tomorrow is 34 weeks but doctors appointment was today. The doctor has been happy with my blood pressure numbers and said as long as they stay like this we will be going to full term! Or longer… that I’m not as excited about lol. I’m up to 16 pounds gained now.. so I’m getting close to what they wanted me to gain hopefully I don’t blow up in the next 6 weeks. For the most part I feel good, I’ve been sleeping good even with this wiggle worm having dance party’s in my tummy every time I stop moving. I have been feeling very tired though. I want a nap everyday and working makes me want two.

 Heart burn though…. OMG it is awful!! Like all the time now and it will not let up. 

The infection in my groin is gone for the most part but I have something the doctor said in a long scientific word that means extra skin growth. That I guess is very common when your pregnant so we are watching to see if it will go away after she’s born if not we have to cut it off. Pregnancy does some weird things to your body… 

So let’s close this off with a picture of my very dirty mirror at work… oh yeah and my big ol pregnant self. 



Well that took a turn really fast.

I went to see the doctor today about a skin infection.. before she even got to that she dove right into my ultrasound 2 days ago with Dr Adams. The flow though the umbilical cord is restricted they still think it’s tied to my blood pressure but every time they take it it’s fine… so now she is warning it’s a matter of time before I’m in the hospital on bed rest. I asked her if I should start cutting back on my activities now. And after telling her about all the things I’ve been doing she has me cutting all them out. AND cutting back my hours at work AND adding more breaks. So aside from shorter, easier days at work she wants me to sit around the house and do as little a possible in hopes of pushing back full in the hospital bed rest. My husband is very mad at me for not taking it easy earlier since he has been telling me from the start to stop doing things. SO NO MORE DOING THINGS!! 

Today is officially my 8 month mark!! 32 weeks now! People are finally asking me if I’m pregnant so I’ll take that as I really look pregnant now. My weight gain as of today is 14 pounds. But truth be told it was after I just ate lunch. So maybe 13.. let’s see how much more I gain now that I’m going to lay around most of the time. Less then 8 weeks to go if my doctors have anything to say about it. Getting so excited!


3rd trimester approaches 

We are taking things day by day after the not so great ultrasound reading last Thursday. In the midst of all the stress I realized I only have one week and 2 days left of my second trimester. The stress and fear are starting to subside again and I know my little girl will be okay. She tells me every time I stop moving by kicking and wiggling around. She is so active i just know she is fine and doing things at her own speed. She still has plenty of time to keep growing in there and 30 percentile is not horrible. She is just a little small. So I am going to keep enjoying all the kicking and moving and playing she is doing in my tummy and enjoy this last week of the second trimester knowing each week she is more and more out of danger and closer to being in my arms. Just keep doing your thing little one I will see you in 3 months. 


20 Week Ultrasound Pictures 

Well… technically it’s 19 weeks and 5 days. Our little one is measuring 19 weeks 6 days. So one day alwat from 20 weeks the big half way point to FINALLY being a mommy and daddy. Most people would be finding out the sex but we already know we are having a girl!

In the last week we got back the result for our spina bifida. And we are all good. 

My mom got into town on the first the day before my 35th birthday. And today she got to come along for the ultrasound and see her granddaughter for the first time. It was a very in depth ultrasound checking to make sure everything measured right and was developing the way it should. I did get yelled at for not eating enough. I have to start eating every two hours. Even though I started over weight this doctor is worried I haven’t gained anything at this point. She said I am going to start pickling my baby if all she is eating is my fat. But other then that everything looked great so here’s what we got from the photo shoot.

1, 2 and 4 are her face.. or more like her skull. Very strong ultrasound machine. But we have some good solid bones. 

3 is a foot getting ready to go into her mouth or be rubbed all over her tiny face. 

5 was her playing with her foot. You can clearly see her foot but the hand is a blur cause it was in motion but we got to see her playing with her foot in the video. It was so cute. 

6 is the tiny chubby fingers and hand waving to us. 
After this we went to the art museum. It was very fun and lots of walking in the new Adidas parley sneekers my hubby got me for my birthday. My feet felt good but my back and butt hurt. 

Me and my baby daddy

A HUGE baby 

This tiny little boy looking into a mirror 

This women with a baby was only about 2 feet tall.

Big huge couple. 

So some fun times with the family. Next small doctors appointment in 3 weeks then another ultrasound in 6 weeks. 


18 week check up

Doctor check up this morning. Nothing exciting. We heard Millie’s heart beat it sounded good. I haven’t gained any weight so that is also good. Being big when I got pregnant they don’t want me gaining much weight at all to lessen  my chances for gestational diabetes and a bunch of other things. They drew my blood to test for spina bifida and they are doing a culture again cause my white blood count is high in my urine again. So most likely I have another bladder infection. 

My husband made sure to ask if I could have sushi cause for some reason I have really been craving it. She said go ahead as long as it’s cooked.

My mom will be here tomorrow for the month I’m so excited I haven’t seen her in over a year. And she will be here for my big appointment next Thursday with the high risk doctor where they will take measurements and check her out in an in depth ultrasound. 


Life update

Realized it’s been almost a month since my last update. Last I posted we did the one hour glucose test. I think everyone including me was expecting me to fail the test being a bigger lady with pcos. Much to our surprise my levels were perfect so in our faces! 

I will be 18 weeks in 2 days. I feel great. No weight gain just a hard spot under the normally squishy belly and lots of bloating usually from me trying to eat meat. Which makes it look more like a baby bump then it did before. I’ve had a couple people come up and try to rub it and stop very fast when I say that’s not the baby thats just gas. Lol the baby is still below my belly button. The boob growth is real though. But the hubby is enjoying that lol.  Still wearing pre pregnancy jeans though so thats exciting. 

Not as tired as before,  sleeping good. My appetite is not great though. Food doesn’t make me sick as much but I just don’t feel like eating lately. I did get sick a couple nights ago. It came out of now where ran to the bathroom threw up a bunch of stomach acid and then I felt fine again. 

My next appointment with the ob is this Tuesday. I haven’t seen her in a month so excited to get checked again and see how we are doing. 

My mom will be here on the first! The day before my 35th birthday! She is having a hard time missing all the baby fun so she bought a one way ticket and will be staying down here for a while. 

I have my appointment on the 9th with the high risk doctor to give Millie a thorough check up making sure everything is measuring correct and it will be the first time my mom get to see her. 

I have clients with baby’s give us tuns of stuff and my moms been buying lots. We even got into buying so baby clothes. I’m so excited at this rate the only thing we are going to need come the baby shower is diapers.

We have picked out colors for the nursery. We are going mint and coral. And I think we have finally chosen which room will be the nursery. Mostly just to keep the thousands of animals out of there.  

Well that’s about all that’s been going on. Hopefully I’ll have more to write about next week after we see the doctor.